403 264 6565

Pre- and Post- Sedation Instructions


  1. Take regular medications unless specified by Physician or Dentist.
  2. Do not eat or drink for 6 hours prior to the appointment unless you are a diabetic.
  3. Patients must be driven to the office by a responsible companion.
  4. No smoking or drinking alcohol for 8 hours prior to the dental appointment.
  5. Do not take any narcotics or street or recreational or life style drug 24 hours prior to the appointment.
  6. No Caffeine 6 hours prior
  7. No eating after midnight other than medications with some water
  8. Wear short sleeves and comfortable clothing and no fingernail polish for the appointment


  1. Take all regular or prescribed medications as outlined by Physician or Dentist.
  2. No alcohol for 18 hours post-surgery.
  3. No driving for 18 hours post-surgery.
  4. Do not operate machinery for 18 hours post-surgery.
  5. Must have a responsible companion drive patient home and stay to observe recovery.
  6. Do not go up and down the stairs until fully recovered
  7. Phone number where Dentist can be reached: 403-264-6565

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