Unit 222, 602 12 Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2R 1J3
Pre- and Post- Sedation Instructions
- Take regular medications unless specified by Physician or Dentist.
- Do not eat or drink for 6 hours prior to the appointment unless you are a diabetic.
- Patients must be driven to the office by a responsible companion.
- No smoking or drinking alcohol for 8 hours prior to the dental appointment.
- Do not take any narcotics or street or recreational or life style drug 24 hours prior to the appointment.
- No Caffeine 6 hours prior
- No eating after midnight other than medications with some water
- Wear short sleeves and comfortable clothing and no fingernail polish for the appointment
- Take all regular or prescribed medications as outlined by Physician or Dentist.
- No alcohol for 18 hours post-surgery.
- No driving for 18 hours post-surgery.
- Do not operate machinery for 18 hours post-surgery.
- Must have a responsible companion drive patient home and stay to observe recovery.
- Do not go up and down the stairs until fully recovered
- Phone number where Dentist can be reached: 403-264-6565